December 6, 2025
Start Time : TBD
Number of Places : TBD
The Memphis Marathon is one of several event in aid of St Jude Children's Research Hospital.
Other events include a half marathon, marathon relay and 5K.
Memphis Marathon Route
Runners will enjoy a relatively flat course that starts and finishes in downtown Memphis.
The route features some of the city's most historic and impressive sites, including Beale Street,
Sun Studio, the National Civil Rights Museum and Mississippi River.
Memphis Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBD
* Registration Deadline : TBD
Contact Details
Contact : St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend
Address : 501 St. Jude Place, Memphis, TN 38105
Tel. : 800-565-5112 or 901-578-1582
Fax. : 901-578-6696
Email :
Website :
Further Information
* Cut-off Time : Runners will be expected to finish within 6 hours 15 minutes.
* Pasta Party : There will be a St. Jude Heroes Pasta Party on the Friday before the race.
* Boston Qualifier : Yes