February 16, 2025
Start Time : 7:00 a.m.
Number of Places : 5,000
Being a Boston Marathon qualifier, the Austin Marathon attracts a lot of applicants. For this reason places fill quickly
and applicants are advised to apply as soon registration opens. In 2009 more runners took part in the Boston marathon
having declared a qualifying time from Austin than any other marathon in Texas.
Austin Marathon Route
The route has some hills, so runners are advised to include hill training in their preparation.
The race starts at 16th Street and Congress Avenue, near the capitol. Runners then make their way through downtown Austin, finishing at
10th Street and Congress Avenue.
During the first 17 miles of the marathon runners climb a total of 304 feet. This elevation happens in a stair step fashion,
allowing them to use a variety of muscle groups in their legs and to allow time to recover with intermittent downhill
and level running surfaces. The last nine miles take runners downhill at an average rate of 33 feet per mile.
Austin Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : $129
* Registration Deadline : When the race is full.
Contact Details
Contact : Race Director
Address : The Austin Marathon, 211 E Alpine, Suite 400, Austin, Texas 78704
Tel. : 512 476 7223
Email : info@youraustinmarathon.com
Website : https://youraustinmarathon.com
Further Information
* Boston Qualifier : Yes