June, 2025
Start Time : TBD
Number of Places : TBD
The Anchorage Mayor's Marathon is run on the Saturday closest to the the summer solstice, and is often
referred to as the Midnight Sun Marathon. There is also a relay marathon for teams of four as well as a half marathon and a 5 mile race.
Anchorage Mayor's Marathon Route
Runners start from the ConocoPhillips Soccer Stadium at Kincaid Park. From there, the course takes them
downhill to the Coastal Trail, following the Cook Inlet for 10 miles to West Chester Lagoon. It then continues
along the Chester Creek Trail to Goose Lake, passing the ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building on the
Univeristy of Alaska Anchorage campus. Athletes will run through the Far North Bicentennial Park before
returning along Campbell Creek to Westchester Lagoon and the finish at the Park Strip.
Anchorage Mayor's Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBD
* Registration Deadline : TBD
Contact Details
Contact : Race Director
Email : info@anchoragemayorsmarathon.com
Website : https://runsignup.com
Further Information
* Cut-off Time : Runners will be expected to finish within 7.5 hours.
* Boston Qualifier : Yes