Boogie Marathon


June, 2025

Start Time : TBD
Number of Places : TBD

The Boogie Marathon was first run in 2011. It received lots of excellent reviews and looks like being a permanent fixture for years to come.

Boogie Marathon Route
The race is made up of repeated 6-mile loop and a 4-mile out-and-back section.

The course is described as rural and "in the middle of nowhere". There are no street lights and it is expected that darkness will fall by 9pm. Also, there are the other declared challenges such as "copperheads, rattlesnakes, polecats, wildcats, and rednecks who like to drink and drive and throw things". Altogether, a very interesting race.

Boogie Marathon Entry
* Entry Fee : TBD
* Registration Deadline : TBD

Contact Details
Contact : Doug Dawkins
Address : P.O. BOX 96, Ellerbe, N.C. 28338
Tel. : 910-206-2095
Email :
Website :

Popular Marathons